The course builds on the FET Certificate: Generic Management and develops the key concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable candidates to lead, manage, organise and control first line managers and team leaders.
On completion of this module the learner should be able to:
- Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts
- Manage individual and team performance
- Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment
- Demonstrate basic understanding of the Primary labour legislation that impacts on a business unit
- Interpret and use information from text
- Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts
- Identify responsibilities of a team leader in ensuring that organisational standards are metMonitor the level of service to a range of customers
The candidates will typically be managers who have other junior managers or team leaders reporting to them. In smaller organisations or entities, the managers could primarily be responsible for managing the supervisors and staff within their section, division or business unit.
This course consists of self-directed online learning (video lectures followed by completion of various tasks and activities), coupled with facilitator/tutor support over Telegram group chat, Telegram individual chat and six scheduled Zoom group support sessions over a three week period.
Unit standards awarded upon successful completion
of this learning programme:
242821 | Identify responsibilities of a team leader in ensuring that organisational standards are met |
242829 | Monitor the level of service to a range of customers |
11473 | Manage individual team performance |
13952 | Demonstrate basic understanding of the primary labour legislation that impacts on a business unit |
119465 | Write/Present/ Sign texts for a range of communicative contexts |
9016 | Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts |
12153 | Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment |
119457 | Interpret and use information from texts |